Helping the Helpers - Not all Injuries are Visible

The 10th Annual Awareness & Education Day for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

October 26, 2024 • Antigonish, Nova Scotia

Save The Date!

Plan to join us for the 10th anniversary of the Helping the Helpers Awareness and Education Day.

We look forward to seeing you on Saturday, October 26th, 2024 in Antigonish!

Once the registrations are complete, you may make a single payment for by cheque or credit card for the people participating from your organization. Details for payment will appear on the invoice you will receive when you complete your registration.

If you have questions or require assistance, you may email us at

Helping The Helpers - 5th Annual Education & Awareness Day

‘Coping and Dealing with PTSD for Frontline Professionals and Families’

Helping The Helpers goals are, through awareness and continuing education to dispel the stigma and myths regarding PTSD.

Helping the Helpers Committee Community Funding Support may provide funding to an individual front-line professional in need who is suffering an acute episode (first three months) of PTSD. The front-line professional is described as from one of the following disciplines: Paramedicine, Police, Fire Fighters, Military, Nursing, Social Work, Correctional Officers, Funeral Directors, Tow Truck Operators, 911 Call Operators, 911 Dispatchers and Search and Rescue.

Have a question?  Contact us today!